Too cool to be a spring's wind
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Though this Siobhan was a coyote, Mati found her far more intriguing then she would ever find her frightening. The tension the stood between coyotes and wolves was a mystery to her, any large and overbearing wolf or yote would scare the timid girl. Maybe she had been sheltered as a pup, but the her imaginary world of monsters was far more frightening then the real world she didn’t even know existed.

No, I don’t think its safe. Onus had told her to stay away, from the male she had met there. To the youth it meant staying away completely. She didn’t believe that she could find anything promising there, but the little white coyotes words were showing her something differently. I’m from Crimson Dreams. Mati spoke as she watched her, curiosity still bubbling in her eyes.

How do you know Haven? wondering if she did actually smell sweet, maybe like flowers, just as she wondered how this little female knew her brother.


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