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Asariel looked at Allegro as she spoke. If she could blush, she would. She hadn't meant to come off as rude by not speaking. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I tend to zone out, see, so I often end up missing out on conversations. Really, I'm a chatterbox," she said, a grin crossing her maw. She really was a boisterous, happy werewolf; she was rarely deterred or shot down. Sometimes her happiness could get annoying; in fact, it annoyed many of those around her.

She could be a strange, complex being though, when she wanted to be. Though when you thought about it, she was already complex. So many moods, so little time to portray them all. She gave her right paw a momentary lick, thinking to herself. She hoped she and Allegro would be able to be friends - she didn't have any here as of yet. "Do you want to be my friend?" She asked, a brightness dancing in her greeney blue eyes. There wasn't anything that Asariel liked more than making friends. Except for rain. She loved the rain. The song that went like, rain, rain, go away, come again another day, was never one that she had ever sung. In fact, she'd revised it to, rain, rain, come again, come again another day,. Sure, it wasn't anything special or award-winning, but she had been young and she was proud of it.


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