Let me be your spark of life

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Svara hadn't expected him to grab her arm. The action caused her to swing her head in his direction even though she couldn't see his face. At the moment she wished she could see his face. His scent was filled with anger which made Svara give him a questioning look, or at least the closest she could with out her eyes. "Hmm so I tell you to go away and suddenly I'm a pup eh? Well this pup would like if the pedephile would let go of her arm." Irritation was forming in her voice as she jerked her arm back.

His anger filled words only made her cross her arms over her chest. The sound of something quick and moving past her made the red she wolfs ears move back. There was no reason to look behind her she couldn't see. The sound of Cwmfens voice rose up and it made Svara turn her head away from Leroy. He spoke of her childish mannerisms and yet he was the one having the tempertantrum. Usually she would curse at him or yell like she always did, but she was tired her eyes hurt and she knew this treatment was worse.

She knowing he had left. "Hmph you shouldn't waste you bloody time with my troubles Cwmfen!" There was humor in her voice as she addressed the women. "Although you better be damn nice to me after I told him to leave! Maybe giving me back that dagger?" Svara suggested leaning against the den enterance.


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