tell me what the rain knows

Out of Character

Sorry for taking so long Requiem! Work's been hoarding my time lately! <333 And just so I have my timelines straight, the coyote attack on Cwmfen has happened before this thread correct? It's not backdated so I'm assuming so. ^^

Word Count: 654

In Character

The fresh winter's morning had brought about a rarity in recent weeks. A single black shewolf trapsed across the lands of Dahlia de Mai, the Stormbringer having not been out during the day in quite some time. Most of her bloodline preferred the comforting darkness of the night to the brightness of day, the soft caress of moonlight to the scorching rays of the sun. Of course, a primarily nocturnal nature had its physical advantages as well as simply being the time of day Kol's family was fond of. The majority of Stormbringers bore the solid charcoal coat that she herself possessed, and its silky thickness made hot days ten times as bad as they naturally were. Even those who weren't black in color were still of a darker shade, such as her brother Drey's deep crimson-touched brown. Daylight made the Stormbringers uncomfortable in their own skin more often than not, and so they chose to avoid the lighter hours altogether.

Today was different, however. It was around late morning, the sky overcast and giving the entire atmosphere a grey tinge. It smelled of impending rain, though the ground still remained dry for the time being. Kol was currently headed in the direction of Dahlia's southeastern border, her ultimate destination for the day being the neutral lands between the pack and their longtime enemies, Inferni. It had been revealed at the recent pack gathering that both of Haku's and Firefly's sons had somehow gone missing, and there was no possible way it was an accident or a simple case of them wandering away. They weren't even old enough to wander their own home yet, let alone to be able to make a wrong step and get lost somewhere beyond the packlands. Something was definitely foul about the entire situation, and Kol had a mind to do a little digging.

She'd left the little house she shared with Lexey just before the sun had risen. Her best friend usually rose with that bright light, and Kol didn't want to chance running into her before she left. Alexey would undoubtedly have coerced Kol into revealing where she was going, and made a fuss over how dangerous it might be and be filled with worry the entire time she was gone. This way, she could just assume Kol was out wandering around the neutral lands searching for some beads and trinkets for her next jewelry piece, or visiting the alluring male in the treehouse nearby that constantly invaded Kol's thoughts. Perhaps she'd even stop in Berwick on the way back home and actually pick up a few things for the necklace she was working on, just to avoid telling the Koios femme what she'd really been up to.

Another advantage to daytime travel was that it would put the Stormbringer at Inferni's borders, or close enough anyway, just after sundown. Night was the best time for the girl to go sneaking about, as her dark pelt let her melt into the shadows. Absently, she reminded herself to stop at some point and cover her telltale white chest marking with dark river mud, or better yet some charcoal from some campfire remains if she were lucky enough to find any. That ivory patch on her chest could be as good as a warning beacon if she weren't careful, and arrows would be drawn like moths to a flame if she were careless not to cover it. Before she'd known that Inferni possessed ranged weapons in the forms of bows and arrows, that patch on her chest had mattered little. But now it was simply screaming at an archer as to where the girl's heartbeat resided. She dared not take that foolish chance.

Moisture finally began to fill the sky as Kol continued crossing the packland, the light drizzle falling down her face like tears from her violet eyes as her small paws trotted lightly over the dampening ground.

Table by Fishie!


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