Truth Be told

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!! out of character.

Let me show you the wonders of life

Whinifred knew why she liked him. He was everything she wasn't. Rolling her eyes at him and his words. He was like a child asking for his mother to approve of his new pet. "I don't really mind them that much, but if and when their mother comes for them you better give them back." The french women pointed out with a thick accent. When he came up to her and put his arm around her shoulder the french women smiled her anger vanishing like a puff of smoke. Turning into his chest she smiled up at him not caring how much taller he was from her.

"You don't understand what makes us women so jealous of each other." She put her hand on his chest almost possessively. His gentle nip on her nose and moving her closer to him made her laugh with glee. "We could send them out to play, then I can show you how I feel about you." Looking up at him her ears flat on her skull as she thought. "What if I want more from you Lysander? What would you do if I asked you to be more then my rutting partner?" The she wolf's words were slurred with her french accent. She really wanted to know what he would say to her. If he would laugh in her face or not.


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