missing title

Demarz was well enjoying his drink. The liquid was cool and clear. So refreshing and amazing to his parched throat. With a content look upon his features his tongue slowly ran along damp lips. He watched his reflection with moderate interest as the bright pink contrasted against his dull black fur. His gaze then shifted to those intense eyes, before he halted his examination, tongue retreating back into his mouth. Muscles became tense, though the male seemed just as carefree as he was a moment ago. But something had caught his attention, and he was most certainly on edge. The main scent that lay along the borders of these lands was suddenly stronger. Overwhelming almost. It was then that the male knew he had company.

With a seemingly calm flick of his head he looked towards the stranger just as the common rasp of one clearing their throat broke through the air. The male acted nonchalant, and even his body language spoke calm and cool. But he was most certainly unsure of the situation he had walked himself right into. Stupid ass. Mentally chiding himself he took a moment to observe the wolf who had hailed him. And he was shocked at the eyeful he had seen. For once his carefully maintained facade fell, and a look of shock and uncertainty was plain. What was this wolf who was before him! He was certain that she was a wolf, the characteristics and scent were undeniable. But what the fuck kind of wolf was she! Thick, coarse fur slowly began rising along the back of his neck and across his broad shoulders as his unease started sending his body the signals to show hostility. Though he felt none. He was not scared, for if she were going to attack, she would have. Demarz never felt fear, as far back as he could remember. But he most certainly was able to show confusion at the hybrid which stood before him. Curiosity was urging him to move forward to sniff and inspect this strange new canine. But propriety ensured his large paws remained firmly planted. He examined her upright posture, and human object upon her back. The long hair, and mobile and fingered hands. Demarz truly had no explanation. Perhaps she had mated with a human? Yes, that had to be it. This is what the pup of a human and a wolf must look like.... He wanted to laugh at the flimsy straws he was grabbing at to explain this oddity. Nothing worked for him.

Slowly the large, black male cleared his own throat, mimicking the sound he had heard moments before, followed by a cautious greeting, and inquiry as to his presence. And for a moment his brain would not comprehend, as he was still to busy pondering over this wolf. But then he realized how much of a fool he must be making of himself. With an burst of energy, he viciously shook out his dark coat, muscles rippling beneath the shifting strands and taut skin. He gave a half smile, almost rueful, as he allowed himself to focus more on the questions then the one presenting them. "Greetings...." He almost wanted to kick himself for how lame his own hello had sounded. His voice however was deep, and rough, and pleasant in a odd way. "I am truly sorry for my intrusion, and I have no reasonable explanation. I was walking along, noticed that this was a claimed land, and had decided to try my luck as to perhaps joining this pack..." Here he chuckled in a way, realizing how truly clueless and stupid he must seem to this female. "I just did not know how to go about announcing my presence, so I was pondering over how to bring attention to my presence when you came upon me...." Here he merely finished, letting it trail off. Was it appropriate to ask now to join? He truly had no clue where to go from here, and he was truly confused by this wolf before him. But he would continue on with it he supposed. There was little else to do at this point.


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