The approach
1. Character Name: Orion
2. Character Birthdate (including year): January 10th 2008
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Not applicable to non-canines. Luperci
4. Species: If your character is a canine, put their subspecies. Wolf
5. Gender: Male
6. A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M).
7. Initial post:

Orion lay flat against the cold earth, not wanting to be seen or heard by his prey. He had been stalking this small grey hare for fifteen minutes waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. His dark gray coat gave him decent camouflage amongst the wintery background allowing him to get much closer to the hare. Losing the hare now might prove to be costly; it had been two days since Orion last ate. The hare stopped and turned its head almost as though it could sense that it was being hunted. As Orion’s stomach ached he rose slowly up from his belly to his paws, he thought to himself I won’t let this one escape. It had been a long few weeks that Orion had no longer felt the security of his old pack, now being forced to look after himself he was slowly learning to hunt.

For just over a year now Orion had lived with his mother and brother in a pack kilometres away, he wasn’t sure on the exact distance as he had been wandering for several weeks now. The night his pack broke up was still fresh in his memory, there had been a disagreement between the pack leader and one of the officers. The argument became heated and a small fight broke out between some of the younger members. Orion’s mother took him and his brother away from the violence hoping they would be safe and telling them they would return once things had settled down. A few hours had passed and Orion’s mother told him to stay in that area, that she would come back and get him if it seemed like the pack had stopped fighting. His brother being much younger than Orion wanted to go with his mother which suited Orion as he did not want to have to look after him. The waiting seemed to take forever as the hours passed one by one Orion started to wonder what happened. He loved his mother unconditionally and though he may not admit it to anyone even his little brother. As time passed Orion became worried, not wanting to miss being found by his mother he contemplated leaving the spot located at what he thought was a few kilometres from the pack. For what would not be the last time for many weeks his stomach was starting to ache. Orion’s decision became more and more clear as he became increasingly aware of his hunger. The trek back to the pack did not take as long as the sun began to rise providing Orion with some light. Orion arrived back to his pack though and found nothing, no sign of his mother or brother and no sign of the pack.

Orion stood at the camp waiting to see whether the pack would return or not for what seemed like forever. Again his hunger pains became more evident, so at once he decided that he would return after he found some food. Orion had been taught to hunt by his mother but he was still new at the concept. It took him another half an hour to pick up the scent of a mouse which he followed. Orion tracked the mouse to its burrow not more than five minutes later. The kill would be easy as the mouse had returned back to its home thinking it was safe from danger as the night had ended and day broke. Orion was grateful that his first kill had been so easy without the help of anyone or the knowledge that even if he had failed his mother would provide for him. Orion made his way back to the camp where the argument took place hours before. When he was getting close he heard a growl to his left, he swung his head quickly in that direction not wanting to be surprised at whatever was over there. His stomach took a hard blow on his right side, the growl had been a distraction this was a trap. Orion saw that one of the officers who had started the argument the night before was standing over him. Instead of waiting for the officer to speak or to finish what he had started Orion broke off into a full sprint. He wasn’t sure which direction he was headed or where he was going but he didn’t have time to stop and think for fear of being caught and possibly killed.

The next few days Orion was trying to piece together what had happened and what could have happened to his mother and brother. Orion was scared to return to his pack but decided that he would go looking for his family. Hunting for vermin and attempting to pick up any scent of his family became all that drove Orion over the next few weeks. His skills at tracking his prey were slowly coming along but he still found it difficult to catch larger animals.
The hare was making its way slowly among some bushes now and Orion treaded softly along the ground trying to make as little noise as possible. The hare stopped once again, but Orion had already moved behind a tree only a few feet away he was ready to attack. Orion could smell something, it took only a moment but he recognized it as other Luperci. Orion stopped for a moment and thought if he approached these wolves if maybe they could help him or he could at least ask them if they had seen his mother and brother. He peered his head back around the tree to see that the hare had disappeared, he was angry with himself for losing sight of the hare and thought it would take minutes to find its scent again. The other option would be to approach the border of this new pack and the thought of seeing his family again or at least getting help began to nullify his hunger pains.

Orion made up his mind that he could eat later and slowly followed the scent of the other Luperci. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to appear threatening as a new wolf approach a new pack’s border’s but decided that he didn’t feel safe in any form but Secui. Orion approached the border and stopped, he howled hoping someone from this pack would find him.

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