Stop the Clocks, if i could....


Inhaling the strong scent was starting to make her head ache. The hard brush was growing attached to her hand as she moved her arm in the continuous circular motions. Switching from her right to left paw the newly dubbed Brigadier General found that her entire upper body was growing tired. The hard now slick floor made her knees ache in pain but the glint of the hardwood was worth the effort. The floor was disgusting, or in he blue eyes she wore it was. Too many trampled through the kitchen with muddy spring paws, and she had come to her wits ends. A bucket of rainwater, the bristled brush from the sink’s cabinet and the old tired bar of soap aided the fey in the seemly endless job.

The floor would have been cleaned by another, or maybe no one would have cared or noticed. But Anu found it as an escape. The kitchen had been the center of her little word in Crimson Dreams, and she had grown attached to the familiar fixtures. Her room was nothing more then a place for sleep, not for relaxation or reflection. Hands and knees on the floor scrubbing filth away was a more comforting atmosphere. In a hidden place in her heart it was a deserved task, the guilt still ever present. The perfect place for avoiding those that she feared would know all her little secrets, she hid in plain sight.

It was a day for chores, the rain pattered against the wide roof of the mansion and the clouds made the dim light of the mansion’s candles seem bright. Grey skies hung over her. But as she busied herself, as she had become so good at, her mind became as bright as the sun that hid behind it's veil. Anu took another deep breath of the pungent soapy water that she spread across the floor, her lungs were growing accustomed to the odor and the sting of her eyes lessening. Arm tensed with fatigue and she ignored it, removing a stain with extra elbow grease. Her job was never done.


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