Stop the Clocks, if i could....
[html] ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Maybe fade to black or something? 300+

It felt as though his whole world had just collapsed around him. What he thought would always be there, his family, was gone. It could have been worse, someone could have have died. But in a way it felt like someone had. His perfect little family was now broken. It might not have looked perfect to someone on the outside. Having no father and two mothers. It had been for him though. It had been all he knew. He had been happy. The boy found himself wishing he hadn't asked. That he would have just continued to turn a blind eye to the problem. As his mother drew him close he let out a soft sob, his shoulders shuddering. This wasn't a truth he could run from though. No matter how much he wanted to.

Somewhere he knew that he actually had no blood relation to Anu. That Naniko was his only true mother. Still, he would never look at it that way. Would never cherish one over the other. They were both his parents. Anu had raised him just as much as Naniko had. When it came down to it, blood meant very little. It was actions that made a real family. While he knew her words were true, they were little consolation at the moment. Things would never be the same. Suddenly he truly had been thrown into the world of adulthood, and now all he wanted to do was to go backwards. Turn back the clock and try and fix this. Prevent it from happening. Or at least go back and relive those times when they were the perfect family.

The youth hugged his mother tightly, wanting nothing more than to curl up against her as he would when he had been a babe. That wasn't possible now though. It was as far from his reach as the rest of childhood was becoming. "You'll always be my momma..." he voiced shakily. He wasn't mad at her. He wasn't mad at Naniko. Not mad at anyone. All he felt was the grief of their loss.


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