Lets Try this again

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Although she couldn't see the smell of a coyote was strong in the air. Pushing off from the tree she was tempted to take of the red bandage to see why a coyote was in Dahlia, but it would be only show a form, something she already knew was there. Svara repeated to herself that she didn't need her vision for this situation. Moving forwards the smell got strong as she moved, the sound of breathing was there, but it was hard to tell when she was close enough to it.

Continuing to walk she hadn't thought about running into the creature. With a shout of surprise the blind she wolf tripped over the body of said intruder. Growling in anger she sprank to her feet ears flat on her skull pony tail ascew since she had fallen. "Damn it can't you bloody tell I can't see your fucking ass. Fucking coyote pain in my A---" Svara stopped. Something wasn't right. Why would the dumb ass be on the floor?

It would make sense if the other was hurt. Musing over weather she should help or not she decided to be civil. Her whole additude changing she kneel down quickly before the male. "Probably hurt getting tripped over I bet. Though you wouldn't be on the floor if you weren't already hurt. Now tell me what hurts and I might be able to help you." Already she was thinking about what could be causing this. He wasn't injured mortally or the smell of blood would tease her nose. Putting her hands on the male she touched to see the posistion he was in judging his level of pain on how tense he held himself.


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