Lets Try this again

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She took her hands away the moment he spoke. They weren't words she wanted to hear. Ears laying flat on her head she wanted to snap at him, but it was useless. "Here let me take it off if it makes you feel any better." She said tersly before pulling off the red cloth revealing the visious scars her mother had so lovingly bestowed upon her. "Oh oops I forgot I'm blind." She said with an irritated tone. Standing up she crossed her arms over her ample chest and stared ahead as she spoke not seeing him she didn't know where to place her head to make it look like she was looking at him.

Standing now tall and with an stern face on she qestion him. "Why are you in these land?" She went about tieing the red cloth around her eyes again why she said it. "To bad you fine I was hoping you'd die so I could practice." Svara said crossing her arms again ears laying flat on her skull. The male hadn't gotten on her good side, but then agian who could?


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