whiskey in the jar

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Dreyrugr had a point. She wasn’t a fighter, which made her the ideal target for predators. She knew that. However, hearing the bitter truth coming out of his mouth was rather unpleasant. It made her feel weak. Alexey couldn’t help but look away, clenching both of her hands into fists. She didn’t want him to see the frustration in her eyes. The Koios girl loved both Stormbringer siblings, but they were nearly impossible to deal with at times. When he mentioned how she had been the one to save Kol from a certain death, Lexey promptly countered with an argument of her own. “You should thank me,” she muttered, not quite understanding why he was ripping into her when he should’ve been happy. Kol was alive and well, that’s what really mattered.

Then his voice changed. It grew softer as he explained how dangerous some people were. Alexey bit her lip and remained quiet, holding back a few choice words. Had it been anyone else, she would’ve already walked away. But it had to be him. Tears of frustration were gathering beneath her eyelids, although she refused to acknowledge them. She didn’t want him to think she was a cry baby on top of everything else. Her gaze remained focused on the floor as he rambled on and on about how foolish she’d been. She understood his reasoning, but refused to admit it. “Why do you care so much?”


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