Crimson Eyes

Here is where you can put any random notes. Probably best used for any pending thread ideas, since Katie was silly and forgot to make a Pending banner. Big Grin

Meanwhile, I'll use it to show you how to make your threads show up all pretty. I did it the way I've been doing mine, and I borrowed the code for the links from Svara because they look so much more sophisticated and take up less space than mine would because I only know basic tags. (<3 you, Syd!)


obviously.. current threads.

002 - to dream it was real/P; Catharsis

003 - Chasing trouble/P; Hanna, Svara
004 - leave your conscience at the tone/ P; Hiei, Tokyo

Obviously, threads that have already been archived.

001 -salty noses/AW; Hiei, Hanna


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