salty noses

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Cursing's fine by me. Smile Can't say as I blame him.

Let me show you the wonders of life

Hanna remained completely calm, without even a smile to betray her. It was as she'd thought, this particular male was of the Nonnissi variety, and moreover had never been obliged to meet a Luperci. She remained on her haunches, crouched to below his level, supporting herself with her fingers. She was proud of him when he stopped just feet away, though he was quick to call her a witch again. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. Leave it to the ignorant.

She lowered her body till her belly nearly touched the sand and started toward him, trying to display that she meant no harm in every line. Her mismatched eyes avoided his ruby ones, and any passersby would have thought that she'd just been bested in a fight, the way she was submitting. She almost regretted her cruel trick, but then realized that perhaps it was better he'd learned from her, one-on-one, than to be caught by surprise by several Luperci at once in their Optime forms.

She stopped, fearing she'd chase him off. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm not going to hurt you. Can I explain and show you?" She paused for a moment, then went on, without really giving him a chance to respond to her. "This is Souls. There are lots of us here. We.. I.. am what's known as a Luperci, or a werewolf, if you will, but obviously unlike all the myths point us out to be. It's a genetic thing, not witchery. There are a precious few Nonnissi, or non-shifters here in Souls, because life is so much easier like this. Watch me."

Even though she was pressing her luck, Hanna crawled backwards and then got to her feet. She was not that much taller than he was even standing, her weight balanced more humanoid toward her toes. The femme showed her prehensile hand, then closed her eyes for effect, and concentrated on down-shifting, pausing in her Secui form to display her new bulk, and then continuing on down to her Lupus form, where she was smaller and less weighty than he once more. "You can be like this, too. If you want, of course. It's not a requirement, though."


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