The Road and the Damned

i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

Only the rapids of a running river could make the weary female ‘go with the flow’. Their mother, the little one, was a worrier. And though they held no blood with her, maybe Mati had gotten a little bit of that cautiousness. It was impossible to not think about the future, it was impossible to ignore the fact that there would be a tomorrow and a plan needed to be thought out for those moments. If there was no plan, there would no way to know what might happen. And there was a chance that she might be swept away by that running river.

Maybe she could ignore the anxiety, maybe if she believed it would work out, it would.

Meeting his gaze Mati smiled, it was genuine and she spoke with a much more normal voice. No, I know Haven. I just wonder when it will be my turn. It was honest, she had wondered before falling sleep when her time would come and what she could do to spark the change. She was glad to know that it wouldn’t be too painful, having feared that it would. With all the werewolves in their pack, Mati had forgotten to ask anyone of them how and when the change would happen.

Thinking about all that she wanted to know Mati suddenly wanted to forget it all together. Fighting the feeling she questioned him, Did you know before? Or was it a surprise? The young Church female wasn’t one for surprises, they made her chest hurt and her breath leave her suddenly.


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