The Road and the Damned

i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

She could only wait for him to speak. Even though she had spoken positive words, he still seemed unsettled. Mati waited patiently as he found the exact words, and she couldn’t help but get a bit worried as she waited. Eyes fell to the stone that lay peacefully around them. As his voice filled her ears Mati looked back to his face, ready to concur his problem as if her own.

He had kissed her? She hoped her didn’t look surprised, or shocked. She didn’t want to feel such a way that made him think she felt it had been an inappropriate action. Haven wouldn’t ever do anything unsuitable, or something that he didn’t believe fit the situation perfectly. He contemplated, thought out his actions before he performed them. It should have been perfect, and Mati hated that it hadn’t been. Her features were gentle and her voice soft, Do you think it was her first? Mati tried to place herself in the situation, though she had never kissed anyone. Not in that context anyways. She must have been nervous. Mati knew that she would be scared the first time anyone wanted to kiss her. First were always nerve-racking.


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