when flying feels like falling

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the public don’t dwell on my transmission

She didn't seem to be as taken with the electronic as he was. Well, that was understandable. They were canines, not humans. He drew it back to himself, pushing the headphones to rest around his neck again, indigo eyes admiring the chipped silver paint on the plastic player for a moment before returning it to his bag. Giggle looked up at Ryan again in time to hear her question. 'Oh,' he said unthinkingly, and then added quickly, 'sure.' The hybrid had no standards of privacy, or concerns about others seeing his stuff. He just didn't think anyone else cared. He started towards the door, glancing back to check if she was following him, before heading inside, past the messed up furniture and up the stairs to where his door stood ajar, fairly close to the staircase. Giggle opened the door completely and slipped inside. His room was messy and unkempt, with peeling wallpaper. A beaten desk stood in one corner, covered with his novels and comic books. His bed, next to that, had a dirty covering, with pictures of some children's cartoon character. A fishing pole stood in the corner. Under his bed, hidden from sight, were some old bottles of wine that he saved for Talitha, for when she wasn't mad at him anymore. The greyscaled Imaginifer moved towards his bed and sat on it, resting his hands at his sides.


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