even if your heart would listen

Anu watched as her heart hung on the defeated wolfess. Ticking beside the female as she lay in the soft rain soaked ground. Anu had never seen her with such sorrow, and with the life drained so completely out of her. She had witnessed ever emotion from Geneva, all except this. Every high, and now every low. Blue eyes scanned her body, checking to see in there were any wounds that still bled. She reeked of it, and it only worried Anu more.

Her voice hung in the falling air, hitting the ground with the passing raindrops. Her mouth fell into a concerned frown, and she took a few steps forward. They were restrained, keeping her from getting too close. She knew it was distance Geneva had been looking for, but something had happened while they were apart and Anu needed to know what it was. Who had hurt her, and where they were. The slight and lean wolfess contained the rage she held for the nameless and faceless beast, focusing on the dull nothing she felt from Geneva.

Anu let her tail fall to the ground, before resting on her stomach. At eye level with her, Anu watched her ears forward and her body still rigid. What happened?The questions wouldn’t end, not until she could understand what had happened. She could read her mind, didn’t know what she wanted or what Anu could give her. All she needed to know was what Geneva needed, and Anu would be happy to provide it.


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