even if your heart would listen

There would always bee that feeling of endlessness. Like it would never stop, or it would never return. That was what it was, the hopelessness that poured through her body. It was a rapid river that diluted her blood stream and washed every remnant of her being away. It left her hollowed and the pieces scattered around her. There were always so many, all the little bits that had been cast aside, fallen to the ground for her to pick up again. Why did Anu know that feel more intimately then she did simple happiness? Her eyes could see the pieces of Geneva scattered before the shell of a wolf.

Maybe it didn’t matter. What would the frail female do anyways? Anu was no fighter, her body was useless and only good for simply running away. But she would have fought; she knew she would have if given the chance. But then, if it didn’t mater how would Anu help at all? The blue eyed female watched the others face as she fought the dripping rain, her own breaking her gaze and looking upward for a slightest of seconds. Your not senseless. Anu reassured her, knowing that she wouldn’t have been foolish. She would have done what she thought was right, and Anu knew her enough to know that her intention was always pure.

Where were you, were you here? Anu scanned the dismal landscape. The rain had slowed, hardly visible unless hooked and carried by the wind. Was it right here that she had been so badly hurt, right in her new home? The question surfaced and Anu smothered the growing anger. If she wasn’t safe in these boarders, then she shouldn’t be here. In the Crimson Dreams member’s eyes she didn’t need to, not anymore.


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