even if your heart would listen
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/12.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
It was futile to try to keep anything from Anu. No matter how she tried to harbor her secrets inside, they all came pouring out of her when she talked to Anu. It was a struggle to hold her tongue even this long. But still, it was easier than she would have thought to make her confessions to the beautiful blue-eyed woman. It was easier to speak around the abrasive sense of guilt that otherwise held her in a choke hold. It eased her soul, but made the burning in her throat even worse to let the truth bleed over her silence.

"It was here, right here," she said. Strange that she should be drawn to this place. But here she was, only feet from where Brennt had tossed her away like a rag doll. She had been about as effective as a rag doll when she tried to protect her territory, defend herself. Her efforts had been laughable. In the end, every breath in her body hadn't mattered. He had been indomitable, insurmountable.

"If it weren't for DaVinci...I would have died," she said the last word, tasting the ultimate truth of it. "There was a strange male right outside the borders. He wouldn't leave. And I...I wouldn't shut up. He wasn't all there, and he just let loose," she said. Geneva looked into Anu's eyes, snorting mirthlessly. "All my fault," she concluded.

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