one is the loneliest number

Slaying the Dreamer ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Slay yawned deeply as drowsiness licked at the edges of his consciousness. He could keep pushing it down. After all, that's what he did all the time, no matter how much sleep he got. Crossing his white paws before him, he let his ice-pale gaze wander to the sky, chuckling lightly at his friend's observation. "Sad, perhaps; but isn't it to be expected? After all, who listens to your problems? Besides me, evidently," the wolf grinned, ears back at a comfortable angle. He didn't care if he was prattled at all day, he just liked having an adult conversation for the first time in too long.

"Who knows indeed?" he agreed softly, watching the clouds above them. It was hard to pinpoint exactly how he had managed to land a mate, whereas Sankor had not. The two flirts had much in common, including a reliance on words rather than actions. Neither of them ever followed through with more than compliments and flowery phrases. Was time the difference? Had Cercelee fallen for him because he had always been there...? Because truth be told, he had not. He got nervous and skittish the bigger the pack grew, and rather than embracing his role as a founding member, he backed off and nearly fled. The Dahlian war with Inferni had driven him into a solitary existence, avoiding everyone he knew for fear that they would make him fight for something he did not believe in. He had been a total coward. It really was a mystery to him how the leader of their pack had developed fondness for him, the dozy idiot that few others noticed.

"Time helps, and listening helps, and being there helps... just do what feels natural. I know it doesn't mean much coming from me, but... if it's the right girl, it just sort of... happens. It works. And then everything else falls into place." He exhaled in a huff, letting his chin fall atop his wide paws. It felt weird to give advice, especially about relationships. He knew he wasn't any kind of role model, but in his heart, he did want to help. He remembered the loneliness of solitude. It was nothing he would wish upon another.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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