out to sea
Pendzez wasn't the one that looks for trouble. Trouble seems to find him. However, there was one trouble that was in the form of a rogue wolf that happens to be the one be got into a scrap with when the boy was still a loner, realizing that it was the same one that killed his parents. That was the trouble Pendzez was facing, but there will be a good time to settle that. He just wanted to get on with his life. He didn't want the hate of rogues to go too far. "I don't go looking for it. It just comes by." There was a time and a place for that. Right now, dinner needs to be solved.

Pendzez walked down the stairs and followed the Savant to the field, whispering a little tune as he went.

Kokyuu ni karamaru chi no kaori ga koukotsu no yoru ni tadayou
Senketsu ni somaru mirai no toki... hageshiku modaeru honnou

Coming to the beach, he stopped the tune as Da was saying something about the tide coming in soon. Pendzez looked around the beach. There should some fish that would hang around the shallow water, surely. However, how long left until the tide will come in? Maybe there will be some more fish if the tide was in more. "Ok. Maybe we could catch some trout or salmon."

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