out to sea
Pendzez looked at DaVinci when he offered a choice of either fish or crab. Looking at Da's net, there were two crabs and one well sized fish. They looked delicious, but he would choose to take the crab if he didn't catch anything himself. "If I don't catch anything, I'll take a crab." Returning to the water he saw the fish gather together after seeing the coast is clear of the Savant's net. He waited some ten seconds before throwing his net into the water. He watched it sank down as he gripped the ropes.

After another few seconds, he started to pull the net out with the ropes. Seeing that he caught something or things, he had a closer look. There were two good medium sized salmon, one crab, and one large trout. He looked at Da and gave a devilish grin. "Never mind. Want a salmon?" he asked politely. Da offered a choice of his catch, maybe Pendzez could offer him a fish, if he wanted one that is.

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