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WC: +300

Jazz watched in shock as the once scared and crying pathetic wolf he had once yelled at now yelled at him. Maybe he shouldn't have told him where he lived. What a brilliant idea that was! Silently he cursed himself a hundred times in his head, half listening to Mahlouk's angry tone. As the white pissed off male advanced slightly, Jazper took a few steps back. The giant was ready and willing to take on any wolf stranger, except for this one. Mahlouk's words stung slightly, he couldn't have been that bad. As he thought of how to retaliate a smile spread across is lips. “Well I suppose not. If you made the hole to big you wouldn't feel anything, to small and you would get stuck or hurt yourself and just right..well you would end up with some splinters and a killer rash. So I suppose me and the rest of the world really could not screw a hole in the wall right.” He chuckled at his own wit.

His laughing stopped quickly as a loud resident sound emerged from the white creature and Jazper found himself flat on the ground once more staring up at the white blur he knew to be the angry male. Blinking her shook his head slightly, “What the hell man, that kinda hurt.” He grumbled as he regained focus half glaring at Mahlouk. As Mahlouk grabbed at his fur the Knight could feel the warmth from the snow colored boy. At his question he simply laid back, put his hands behind his head and answered, “Well, this as in me, I'm Jazper Rhiannon-Knight. Friends call me Jazz. want me bad.” Jazper looked his new play toy up and down inspecting the scars and the bright clear eyes he had seen in his dreams. He licked his lips as he brought his hungry golden orbs to meet the other males baby blues, “So, What do you say my little fireball?”


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