
306. Sorry for the wait, life is full of bs drama, looking for a new job, dealing with the crap at the present one.
though it's easy to pretend, i know you're not a fool

The child jumped as the toy rock moved, and the legs went back within its shell, she lowered her body down to the ground growling at it, warning it that if it was going to hurt her brother then it would pay. However one would hurt a rock was beyond her, but it would hurt if it hurt her brother. The rock’s had claws and they quickly came out as it went for a swipe at him, she gave a deep bark, well deep for a pup. Second warning, third time she might have to bust out with her awesome fighting skills. She flicked her ears back and then her fur rose up, making herself look even bigger than the pup was when she was when this whole rock came to life.

Her brother jumped in front, protecting her from the rock that came to life on them. She wasn’t sure how to take it, but she stepped back and stood up letting him stand in front and protect them from this rock. She twisted her head to side, as she lowered her body back down sniffing at it. “Ich dachte, es war ein Fels!” Then it hit her like a light turning on as she brushed her front leg across her brother’s leg. “Oh! Sie müssen über Magie!” After all he was able to turn a rock into something that was able to move and reach towards them. She gave her brother a lick upon his check “Mein Held!” He was trying to protect her from this rock, this living rock. She wanted to praise him for stepping out of his shy shell. She stepped back and let him be the protector that she normally was with him. Maybe this would help him a bit, to over some his fear of everything…then again maybe not.


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