Character Name: Peraila Camet

Character Birthdate (including year): Coming in as a young pup

Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci (prefer wolf form most of the time)

Species: Luperci

Gender: Female

3 Roleplaying Examples: I can list places that I've roleplayed at but the sites closed and then reopened and I lost all my stuff so i can't post my rp examples... sorry Sad I hope thats ok

- The House of Xeneri (vampire)
- RavenBlack Roleplay (vampire)
- Slaves In Chains (vampire/werewolf)
- Homeland (wild horse)

More Info: (Quick History- IC) I only had one parent, my mother, my father was only used to create me. My mother was a loner who wandered about lands. She was very loving and affectionate towards me in the short time we were together. She told me about packs of wolves who lives in places and how we needed to respect them and their land. I was watching her hunt this injured deer as she taught me how to hunt, but then a big grizzly came onto her out of nowhere. It tried to come after me as I coward at the base of a tree, i couldn't outrun it, it was way to fast. My mother fought it off to give me time to escape. She yelled at me to run, so i did. I knew i couldn't survive long by myself, i needed to find others...


I could see an opening in the darkness up ahead, I stopped to think about what I am to do. I need to keep moving, one step in front of the other, I have to. I took another step toward the clearing taking in the smell of other wolves.

'I must be getting close', I thought to myslf with hope and desperation.

My feet dragged through the dry, crunchy leaves as I reached the brim of the clearing. The smell of others was strong now, piercing my nose. A hawk dove out from the long, golden grass in front of me scaring me and sending me backwards into the trees. I peered out from behind the tree to see that there was no danger for me right now.

'It's okay... it's okay... just a bird,' i told myself as i came out into the clearing again. 'They should be here soon. Just relax.'

I circled and patted down a spot in the soft grass and sat down to wait...

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