Generally we try to maintain a posting order as it comes along in a thread, to wait for every participants' turn so to speak, but seeing as this is your joining thread and we want it to be completed as fast as possible it is o.k. Keep it in mind in later threads with more than one person participating, though Smile The posting order here is obviously you, me, catherine, you, me etc. following the order we entered the thread Smile

The sentences exchanged between the two adults might seem to be quarreling, but in fact they were not. Dawali simply did not want the child to worry - he did not want to speak of an nameable threat to her kind, especially not now as she just revealed her tragic history. Her mother couldn't possibly be alive - but if she were and she tracked her daughter's scent here, she would find that she was in good care. Dawali was a weak-hearted male for small fluffy things as pups, his paternal instincts blooming along with the season lately.

As Dawali turned his attention onto the child and the child alone, meaning to drag Catherine's attention with him, the girl gave them both a sheepish grin - as if caught doing something she should not have, or just unawares. Dawali's head tilted to the side and made a face as if he was judging her. With a humorous tone of voice and a twinkle in his eye, he turned his face to Catherine as he spoke. Well, she is a little small, but I think we could find a use for her, could we not, Catherine? The sub-leader did have a playful side, and now it came out and into the sunshine in the presence of the little child. Someone has to babysit the other puppies, yes? At this moment it was very obvious that he was not actually judging her, as every ounce of his presence was filled with kindness. The twinkle in those yellow eyes was paired with a warmth that could not be understood. The sub-leader wanted nothing more than to give the lost girl a permanent home.

Table by James! thankyou<3

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