sweet blowing wind, take me away


For the woman's reaction that was to come, Catalyst wasn't expecting the woman to be so startled as she was initially. At her squeak, the ivory girl nearly jumped out of her own fur, stumbling back a couple steps. clutching the flower even tighter in her grasp as if it was a life line to her. Watching with wide two-toned eyes, the woman happened to spray herself, in which Catalyst couldn't help but softly start to giggle at this, as suddenly frightening as her reaction was. Catalyst kept her new distance, however, as the pup was unsure of what other surprises were to come from her.

As soon as she began to speak, though, it seemed as if her voice was kind, apologetic. She stated she might have seen Catalyst around before, but to the pup, this was an entirely new adult to meet (and didn't remember seeing any of the such of this woman in the church with Cercelee at the time). The one who called herself Coli said Catalyst looked like someone of... Deuce and Taliesin, was it? A mask of confusion overtook her china doll facade, as the names were just as unfamiliar as Coli was. "Coli? N-No... I don' know who Deuce an' Taliesin are. 'm Catalyst de Sadira. Cercelee is my mot—" Her sentence suddenly stopped short, however, catching her tongue before anything else was said. Mother? No, Cercelee wasn't her real mother. Her real mother couldn't be replaced. "—er, guardian." Catalyst corrected at the instant.

After names and introductions were shortly introduced, Coli began to answer Catalyst's initial question about the flower. So, it was a... periwinkle, was it? The name of it made her slightly giggle, as she never heard of such a word before. "Peri... winkle." She repeated among the flower in her mouth, smiling as the word was certainly funny upon her tongue. Suddenly though, it seemed as if Coli instantly recognized this periwinkle flower from her garden, and at those words Catalyst lowered everything about her (ears, paws, head, tail) to where she was merely hugging the ground and giving an apprehensive look to Coli. Great, so she figured it out, hopefully she wouldn't give a lashing, or a very stern scolding like her mother used to.

Keeping low as Coli registered her flower from her garden, she explained to the de Sadira how it wasn't a good thing to trespass in her garden again. Her scolding wasn't that bad, but she spoke of plants and flowers that might make the little one sick. Keeping herself still low, Catalyst couldn't help but mutter an apology. Coli seemed awfully nice, and was only heeding her of danger. "S-Sorry..." She said, her dual hued eyes glittering with intense puppy innocence and forgiveness. However, Coli offered her to keep this particular periwinkle, in which Catalyst lightened up a little bit at. Her stub of a tail began to wag mildly. "R-Really? Thank you's. I... I think... i'll put it back later." As pretty as it was really, Catalyst figured it wouldn't do any good for her to keep it, seeing as how Coli was a pretty and nice adult, and stealing from her garden only made Catalyst look like she was being rude. "Wha'... flowers are bad for you?" She then asked out of the blue, actually wondering what sort of flowers would make one sick. They all seemed so pretty and harmless to her.


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