Its been a while
"Yes, you already told me she was dead, and I never really was around her like you were, so I can't say I'm overly hurt, but I do feel sorrow for her passing and wish her the best of the afterlife." Ty said. "But if that is honestly all, dad needs a wake-up call, one death won't stop the world, and that death was the result of a full and happy life, I can only imagine where her spirit is now..." He smiled, then shook his head. "Whups, got off topic, dad would need to move on if that's all that is bugging him."

that's when the second question pop up, did he have a mate? Well the question made him blush slightly, he wasn't all that focused on relationships, that whole idea of that kind of intimacy scared him, he didn't think he had something that close with any woman and was scared to try. It was his one little vex, his bane, in a sense anyway. However, with his sister he was only able to give a small sigh, looked at the ground and said "Well, there is no luck there I'm afraid, but I can't really say I've been trying very hard."

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