apart from each other, joined by the heart
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We have to stop meeting like this. o_< Man, Eliza's in for teasing for being too polite. >.>; ~660 words.


Eliza was relieved. She didn't yet seem to have offended Haku, this "Lilium." Her future "Lilium," in fact, if all went well, whatever that meant. Second in command. She had always known the second in command as, well, "Second-in-Command." Here they had whole other titles for things. Getting used to the foreign terms would take some time, especially since they were more or less nonsense words to her. She had no point of reference to link them to to aid in memorizing them.

She nodded as he began to speak again, still not meeting his eyes. It would be good to be in a place where people had true worth again, she mused, if what he said was true. It would be nice to be a part of something where people looked out for each other. Unusual, but she could think it would be a change for the better. She suddenly felt deep in her bones that she had made the right decision in leaving, though before she hadn't even known she was doubting her actions. She hadn't been mistaken -- truly, not all packs were like hers had been. Her mind had held lingering fear that this would not be so, somewhat ridiculously, and she was glad to feel she had been wrong.

She was slightly confused by what he was saying as he continued. She assumed that moving from her pack to one much smaller would be a fairly significant change, but how could a pack exist among equals? This puzzled her, and the feeling likely leaked onto her face. There had to some sort of power hierarchy, for how else would power struggles and problems be decided? She was unable to conceive of such a thing, and was momentarily on edge. As much as Eliza thought of herself as open-minded, she had never lived in any other situation than the one she had been born into, and the hierarchy of her old pack was something she hadn't seen counter examples to. For her, it was a foregone conclusion.

She shook these thoughts away as he described the pack duties, because thinking on something she didn't couldn't imagine was pointless. She would hopefully see for herself soon enough. Haku was unspecific as to the details of his duties and those of the other leaders, but he seemed to respect them, and for some reason that was important to her. "Rosea." "Adonis." She tucked the strange terms away for later examination.

She was relieved that she would be able to choose an additional "co-rank" in addition to the amorphously described "non-specific" duties of the regular pack members. Eliza felt most comfortable with a goal to work for, and a job to do. She hoped this time would be swift in coming. Perhaps she would be able to be useful here in the same way she had with her old pack, as a Protector, or whatever silly word this pack had for Protectors. She felt slightly chagrined at the thought -- she shouldn't think of the Dahlian rank names as silly, that was rude. It made her feel uncomfortable, and she mentally kicked herself a little.

He shifted slightly, and she realized that she had likely kept him longer than he hand intended to stay, and that she was yet keeping him from the duties he had to fulfill. She answered his statements only briefly, feeling slightly awkward. "Of course, I have tried, and will try, to always be loyal and respectful to," my betters, she almost finished, but remembering the odd things he had said, quickly tacked on, "others," instead.

He smiled at her and she was glad, and smiled in return without thinking about it. She took up a slightly more relaxed posture as she raised herself back onto her feet. "Certainly, I certainly am," she replied, just managing to cut off the reflexive "Sir." She was learning. She wouldn't embarrass herself like that again if she could help it.


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