When and where, I do not know

Sorry for the wait, been socially kidnapped for a few days - and yes she is shifted! Can't believe I didn't state that >_< - Marit fail
Word Count: 348

The pose which her pack mate found so majestic and fascinating was in fact never intended to be exactly that, but as she liked to feel the winds ruffle her furs, and liked to smell the scents of the sea, her nose was lifted and her body leaned slightly forward - her chest enlarged as her lungs hungrily expanded when swallowing large amounts of fresh ocean air. So lost in thoughts - thoughts she would never share with a living soul unless forced or deeply encouraged to - she did not notice the other femme before they were close enough for conversation. Normally the femme would have been startled, perhaps even visibly enraged for a short moment until she had reestablished control of her surroundings, which also often led to an exclamation of some sort, followed by a hand-to-chest movement. Today, however, she turned around slowly, first her head and then the rest of her, for her mind was so absorbed with so many thoughts and feelings of great impact, that she didn't react according to her usual pattern. She was like a zombie as she turned slowly around, and it took her a moment - in which she shook her head, making it obvious that she was attempting to clear it - before she made eye contact or seemed to fully register the other's presence. A hand went to her forehead, and she sighed audibly before she served the femme an apology for her strange behavior, which had only lasted a second or two. She knew it was not according to the usual social rules.

........"Sorry.. I'm lost in thoughts these days it seems..."

Pausing, she lowered her hand and looked again at the other's face, as if only now realizing that it was another stranger, another pack mate which she should know, but did not. Oh, how her isolated little world revolved around Lubomir, and Lubomir alone. It was sad, in a way.

........"I was just standing here thinking - the ocean can do such things to me. My name is Mew, by the way."

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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