When and where, I do not know
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
gahh, short sorry ;;. 191 words

To say that Tokyo wasn't very perceptive was a bit of an understatement. So focused was she on her own scar, of her once-tattoo, that she didn't notice Mew's hand brushing her own scar. In fact, she didn't even notice the other wolf's scar at all. Her mind was absorbed in the own memories of her own life, and Mew's interest only sharpened Tokyo's attention on herself. She had to make her stories fascinating. The conversation had drifted though, a little. No longer focused on the gray and brown female, but moving onto the general topic of scars and tattoos. Far less interesting. She was pretty well-rested by this point, and she was itching, a little, to get back on the road, to finish her trek and get back home. Tugging her dress sleeve back down, Tokyo swung her bag back up to her shoulder. "Yeaaah.. the scar wasn't enjoyable in the least." Tokyo left it at that; for all that the attention would be great, Corvus was too recent a demon to talk about casually. "But I should probably get back on the road. I'll see you around, I'm sure."

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