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The reddish brown creature stared at a spot a few yards in front of it. Its eyes were far from great, but the thing was very certain that the green was slightly greener than that crushed under its hooves. Yes. It had to be greener. The large animal moved slowly forward in a steady, well adjusted rhythm that fitted its big, bulky body excellently. No one could know exactly how the kyole had appeared in these lands, not the creature itself either. It just was here, and there was green grass over there. It felt joyful contentment flush through its body as the delicious green finally was within reach. Its head lowered, following the tongue that was reaching out to find the soft grass. Its teeth ripped off a mouth full and a moment later it’s head was back up where it was supposed to be on top of its body, mouth chewing happily up and down and sideways. The taste was juicy and grassy, just how grass should taste like. Its eyes stared emptily forward without any hint of intelligent life. Tail moved automatically to shush away the flies that loved it so. It was a happy bull. It usually was.

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