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Grass grass grass grass grass eat the grass tastes like grass good grass grass grass grass eat it swallow munch munch the delicious grass good grass more grass munch munch eat the grass. The world was a very simple place. The animal could vaguely recall a time where there was white non-grass on top of grass and grass was in a sick yellow not green colour, but now grass was green and rich in grass taste, and it was very nice and tasted nice and was everywhere the animal looked. It munched happily, thinking cow thoughts and waved its thin tail about randomly to ease the small bug feet from tickling the wrong places. It was not aware of the danger before it talked to him.

A woof like sound sounded and the large kyole turned into a statue with moving ears. Its large nostrils flared, and the creature slowly turned an eye over to gaze upon the wolf that came closer. Wolf wolf wolf, threat was bad and wolf was threat bad was very bad. Big threat, but small body, small threat? The world was now a rather confusing place. A large and almost unnatural long tongue slowly crawled its way upwards and into one of the two holes that made out its nose, finding rich treasures to soothe the situation that slowly made itself apparent in the bull’s minimized brain. Why did danger wolf thing make sounds?

The large animal could only stare at the small thing that was small, tongue the only visibly moving thing, still fishing for more interesting stuff. "Mooo?"


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