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The young female had a tendancy to act a bit too childish for her age. She couldn't help it though. If she felt like playing then she was going to play. She just had that sort of energy to spare. But now was actually one of her quieer moment. Perhaps it was because it was the evening. She had spent the day running around, searching for the loose end of family she was said to have. So far she hasn't made much progress in that area. That is what plagued her thoughts as she stared into the river with its thin ice coating. The area outside of the pack was big and vast and she was wonderng how she was going to cover it all. Anyone she had talked to didn't know her dad or hadn't heard from him for quite awhile. Where could he be? Had he found her mom while she was out looking for him.

Thoughts eventually faded away into silence as icy blue eyes followed the movement of the fish beneath the ice. One paw shifted out from under her head to press against the ice, claws scratching against the surface. Her thoughts had picked up on trying to figure out how to get one of those goodies out from beneath the ice. She refused to put any sort of real weight against it. Her and water didn't really get along since she couldn't swim. Other than that she remained rather pensive in appearance. The silver maiden from which she had gotten her name highlighted the area all around her. Perhaps she should be sleeping. After all it was unknown what the next day would bring. Still, she wasn't really tired though. Just in a quieter mood for once. Perhaps she had started to feel her age and knew that she had to grow? Nah, most likely not. She just wasn't quite as hyper at night.

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