Practice makes perfect
"Oh?" Ty said when he was confirmed on his suspicions, Pendzez was also a sort of warrior, more of a kindred spirit then Ty had originally suspected. Not only did he know a warrior's code, he knew some tactics. More and more Ty felt closer to Pendzez, not as close as a brother yet, but he now considered the white noble a good friend, and one of the few male friends he had here at the pack. Nevertheless, Ty replied to his response about it. "Well then, perhaps one day soon I'll have to challenge you to a little sparring, I haven't had a good challenge in quite a while."

Ty said that with a bit of tentative hesitation, as he was unfamiliar with how a peaceful place like this would handle practice fighting. Ty had come from a background which how good you were at killing other wolves meant how much you were going to get rewarded by the end of the day, to switch to an environment of different morals, ethics, and basically an entire different system was going to be quite a change for Ty. He would still aim to be the best warrior in Nova Scotia, and hopefully one day, the world, but he knew he'd have to tone down on the eagerness to fight, or he'd surely cause trouble. Nevertheless, he thought about what Pendzez said about responsibility. "huh...that's very interesting....that your parents didn't want you to bear that kind of you think you'll ever go back?" He questioned the white noble as he sat back down.

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