If I could change, and keep the rain away
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        She moved forward slowly, closing the distance between them. Obviously the she-wolf was purposely aiming to show she posed no threat and was interested in nothing more than polite conversation. He'd assumed as much from the beginning of their interaction, but apparently his less than extroverted personality kept the girl wishing to prove her good intentions. Unknowingly her vision sought his eyes and the brilliant flames within them, but own gaze caught her violet eyes briefly and momentarily was intrigued—lost in the unusual, yet lovely shade of them. They were an opposition to his own, cool and mysterious while his were filled with pure ever-shifting hell-fire despite his otherwise non-aggressive personality.
        “You paint?” he asked curiously, himself intrigued by the craft, but he’d never been posed with opportunity to pursue such a thing. “I’ve never learned,” he trailed off, recalling the only talent he possessed was limited musical ability on the violin. But even that would take far more time and effort to perfect before he wished to allow anyone to know about it. It would be shameful, showing off with his head held high when he could only play a few notes—even if they were well practiced as they were. Jael had never been much of an egotistical creature, proud of his own abilities to the point of flaunting them. “Zana, kind of,” the youth responded quietly to the names the girl presented, knowing only one.
        Gabriel had informed him previously the girl was a cousin of sorts to him, but most of Inferni was related anyway so it made little difference. The other name he’d never yet encountered if they were even from the clan.


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