If I could change, and keep the rain away

Mati was never alone, not when she wanted company. It was as if she could wish for it, and another was there for company and conversation. She missed no one but her brother Haven, his presence had been paramount in her early months, and now he was gone. She would never go accustomed to being without, and a long ride on a ship, all alone was not something she would ever do. Nothing could happen to her that would make the brown hued fey want solitude for so long. Instead of asking anymore, Mati had learned from that mistake and focus on only what he wanted to talk about.

She nodded, of course winter did only come once a year. Though she didn’t think that she could sacrifice the three other seasons for it. Winter was cold, unforgiving and hurtful. Winter killed wolves with more cruelty then any other season. Fall was far more peaceful.
“I do.” She spoke honestly. Snow was fun, and held the colors of crystal and trapped sunlight and well as the glow of the moon.
“But if it never melted, I think my toes would freeze off.” He voice held a light-hearted tone.
“ And you would blend in at least, I’d stick out like a sore thumb.” She smiled at him, thinking on her dirty coat compared to his. She was sure in less wet weather his pelt was just as pure as fresh snow.


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