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"Well, I'm getting better." Ty said with a grin as he caught up with her, attempting to make his limp not as apparent. The bandages now on him still leaked some blood, and it somewhat leaked through, but not enough to be a problem to him. Other then that, most of the wounds were healing over, and he was feeling rather good today. His fur, although somewhat dirtied still, was still as shiny and full as ever, shimmering it's golden-orange flair that it had in the sunlight. "The arm is what's bothering the most right now, my other wounds are healing over quite smoothly, I think I'll be ready for another puma attack by the end of the week." He then flashed a confident grin before wincing again and holding his ribs.

Hearing her question, Ty frowned, not totally sure where the question was coming from. Instead of simply answering it, he took some thought about it. "Well...many people do have some upsetting memories...but everyone deals with their past in their own way." He explained. "I couldn't tell you what most people do, because everyone does it differently....why do you ask? Is there something wrong?"

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