nothing's right, I'm torn
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Is it bad that I kinda want to see that happen? XD 300+

He could understand why his sibling would feel that she had acted selfishly, but he had another perspective on the situation as well. "Ehi, non preoccupa di ciò ora. Il Cambria non vorrebbe vedere che la sua mamma è triste, la destra?" His sister may not be happy that she had taken off so suddenly, but Ehno figured it was for the best. Seeing her mother struggling with her emotions like this wouldn’t be any good for the girl. He would rather have Savina face these feelings out here rather than back home where the recovering Cambria might see her. When they got back home Savina could try to put a smile on and spend some time with her little girl. In the end, that was really all they could do. Ehno forced a warm smile to his features at her heartfelt thanks. He gave her a quick nuzzle, amber gaze meeting her tear-sparkling emeralds. "Sono sempre qui se lei ha bisogno di me." And as long as he could help it, he would always remain within her reach. After their year of separation, he couldn’t imagine taking off on her again.

Savina quietly confirmed his initial suspicion that it was that hybrid punk who had injured her. A flare of that old anger flickered at the edges of his thoughts, but he ignored it. "Buono di sapere," was his only response. He briefly wondered just how badly Savina had hurt the obnoxious loner, but it didn’t really matter. Whether he had limped away with moderate or serious wounds, he would think twice about coming to bother them again. He wanted to know if that young hybrid had made the first move or if Savina had lost control and went after him, but he kept quiet. Bringing up details of the recent fight didn’t seem like a good idea. Either way, the little worm got what he deserved. The man decided not to dwell on the subject any longer, slowly standing up after a moment. He offered a hand to his sister, a half-smile on his muzzle.

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