Gold in the Sunset

I love them.

She made two more steps into the small house, letting eyes fall to the fixtures of the room. Tear filled her view, falling to her face as she tried to blink them away. His question made her ashamed, and she couldn’t manage the courage to look at him. Instead she looked to the long necked bottle, closed her eyes and thought about handing it to him. She was sorry she had brought that here too, sorry that she brought it into his house after finding him in the bar. She was ashamed that she could not learn form his mistakes, but she held onto it. Opening her eyes Mati found the nearest table surface and placed the bottle down. She hated to ignore him, but for a moment she just needed to keep everything that she had.

Words tried to form, but her voice would not allow it. Instead she stood in silence, and let her brother wrap his arms around her. She fell into him, letting the tears fall and giving the anger and unhappiness she was feeling to her brother. She thought of their mother, her face and how changed she was. “She’s sick Haven.” It was all she could say for a long moment. When she had recovered control The earthen toned girl pulled herself away and found the nearest chair and sat. “She had been doing drug, some sort of powder.” Mati paused to breathe, feeling the weight of the news lift off her shoulders.

“A few days ago, one of Savina’s puppies got into it and she got sick. Savi and momma Anu had to kick her out…” A ragged voice spoke as eyes looked back to him weakly.


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