Gold in the Sunset

Mati would always be welcome here. Day or night, good or bad news. They were as close as siblings got and when it came to her, the door to his house would always be open. Absentmindedly his gaze traveled to the hall where the two bedrooms lay. His own was unoccupied, but the door to Siobhan's still looked shut. Hopefully she was still sleeping soundly. There was no reason for her to be brought into this situation. She had had more than her share of problems with mothers, the last thing she needed was to be made aware of his own dame's transgressions. He wondered if Mati had picked up the strength of the coyote's scent in the house yet. It wouldn't be a surprise if she hadn't. Situations like this made one look over other details.

Another heavy sigh was pushed from his chest as he leaned back against the soft cushions of the couch. She wouldn't even listen to her best friend or her former mate? Despite the facts being said to him over and over it was still just astounding. How had Naniko fallen so far so seemingly quickly. How had no one detected her problem before it had become so out of hand? Haven wasn't blaming anyone, it was just all so hard to swallow despite the fact he knew it had to be the truth. "I don't know...I mean there's only so much any of us can do. It's a decision she has to make for herself. If she'll stop or not..." No one had been able to make him stop drinking aside from himself. It depended on how far into this she was and whether or not she had the will to escape it. It was frustrating though, to be so useless.


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