so I'll love whatever you become
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It took me forever to write that, it might be a slow posting day o.o

He saw that sadness slip across her features and he felt sorry. Perhaps he should have said nothing at all. But he could not lie to her and tell her that he was feeling the same as she about the life that grew within her. He wished he could. He wished he could feel that contentment, but it was not possible. Onus had to keep a distance. Despite the depth of his love for her, that love did not extend to the children in her womb. For he knew that if that darkness was too planted inside of them he must do that undesirable task. As Cwmfen knew, he was a vigilante first and foremost. A servant of Justice. And if it appeared that the children would cause others pain and wrongdoing then he would be forced to put an end to them. He could not compromise, not even for a mother's sake.

Again guilt hung heavy upon his shoulders. The coyote knew that she did not blame him for what had befallen her, but he was not so forgiving to himself. If he had only stayed in the city that night. Had only entertained the possibility of Corvus being there. But he hadn't. He had convinced himself that that was the last place that Corvus would wait for her. He had thought it was too much familiar territory for Onus for the crow wolf to pick that place. And he had been wrong, and that misjudgment had cost her so much. As far as he was concerned the life that grew inside her was as much his fault as the demon's.

As her hands slid away from his a chill ran up his arm and he removed his touch from her stomach. That hand flexed in the air, somewhat uncertain as to what it had just felt. Large ears twitched as she spoke again. It was not an easy thing for him to do though, not worry about the future. Not in this situation anyway. There were so many unknowns, so many unanswered questions. Onus wanted to be prepared and this was the least prepared he had ever felt for anything. It made the man on edge. Though at that gentle touch he looked back up to her face. He didn't know if he could be content. Didn't know if he had that ability inside of him. But he would try. His hand reached up to hold the back of her's as his head turned to plant a soft kiss upon her palm. He would try.


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