Love 101
Forgive mine and we will call it even Big Grin

Nodding, Ty agreed with her idea to use traps. "Yes, a trap should work, do you have n idea for the trap or should I do it?" He asked her. "I don't mean to pester you of course, I've just seen people having issues when they change at first." He sighed, he wasn't making his case very well, she was probably annoyed with him. He was usually good at being friendly, but she wasn't quite open. However, he could just be reading the situation wrong, but she didn't seem all that happy to be talking to another person right now.

Of course, leaving now would just be inappropriate, so perhaps he'd stick around for the little hunt. While he had just ate, eating again wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, another rabbit or two would simply fill his stomach just a little bit more. Looking around, he began to search for bait, some kind of wild fruits or veggies a rabbit would like to eat, or some sort of trap for it.

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