Lean on me

The night was cool, as most of the nights were in the lands of Cour des Miracles. It was actually quite lovely. The moon shined brightly above and reflected across the surface of the ocean. This, of course, was meaningless for the blind border collie as she strolled along, her hands folded in front of her in a thoughtful posture. She hadn't been able to fall asleep. Her body just wasn't ready, so she had decided to take a walk to burn off some energy. She'd chosen one of her regular routes, which wandered down the coast for about a mile and a half before circling back around to the cabin that she called home.

The slate and ivory female was confused about many things this evening, the least of which was why she could not fall asleep. Svara and Firefly were gone, with no obvious intentions of coming back. Jac was still nowhere to be found, although Heath had promised to go look for him. That gave her hope that the king would quickly return to his kingdom. Leroy had saved her life the other day, from a deranged coyote that had come out of nowhere seeking a free meal. Was it really so obvious that she was handicapped? She certainly didn't hide the fact that she was blind, but was it really so obvious that a crazed predator could immediately single her out as a viable food source? Questions like these, as well as a few others, fluttered through the mind of the delicate optime as she walked along. She doubted she would ever understand the reasons and answers behind these events of late, but they did provide something for her to think about. However, her mind did not dwell on them for long as she made a decision to simply disregard them. Worrying about those problems would not help her in her pursuit to tire herself out.


With that settled, the petite collie-dog increased her pace to a quick walk, rather than the leisurely stroll she had begun her walk with. It was not long before she had traveled a significant distance down the coastline. The brisk pace had succeeded in tiring out her limbs, but her mind was still active. There was still the journey back home, and she hoped that it would solve that problem. However, Ruri was quickly distracted by something else. She had walked this route several times before, but had never noticed the familiar scent covering the area. It was the scent of Haven, the knight of Cour des Miracles. The smell was fresh in her mind from her meeting with Haven and Anselm, the stranger who had come seeking information about their pack in order to decide where to settle down. She hadn't really had a chance to converse with Haven at that time due to the fact that it had been raining and they were both eager to get back to their respective homes. How fortuitous that she should wander past his home tonight, for surely that's what this place was. Why else would his scent be so strong everywhere?

There was one hitch in the plan that Ruri had quickly conjured up. That was the one involving her having a conversation with Haven in order to help her fall asleep. The problem was the fact that it was the middle of the night, she knew this because all the birds and most of the other forest critters were quiet, meaning that they were likely asleep. This would probably mean that Haven was also asleep. How then could she get him to come talk to her without waking him up herself? Perhaps if she simply sat outside and waited for him, as he had done when she had first arrive in these lands in order to speak with her. Yes, that might be a good idea. The delicate female smiled, pleased with her plan and confident that it would work. It had worked for Haven, why then shouldn't it work for her? She quickly debated about whether or not to remain in optime form, but she quickly convinced herself that she could wait in her bipedal form just as easily as in her other form. Therefore she quietly sat down on the ground, on the edge of the heavily, Haven-scented area, her legs crossed in front of her Indian style. And, she waited.


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