careening shamelessly into oblivion
400+ Gotham! :] Would you mind if we backdated this two days or so?

Ehno hadn’t stepped foot inside the manor for the last few days. Anytime he came anywhere close to the large stone building, those heavy thoughts of his would weigh down on his mind, adding a frantic beat to his heart. He was afraid to go in there. His sisters were there, his whole family was there, and he was afraid to face them. Being in close proximity to the manor meant being in close proximity to them and that brought him ever closer to telling them all what had happened. That he was going to be a father. That Naniko was to be the mother of his pups and that she didn't plan on coming back to Crimson Dreams. He especially dreaded sharing the news with his raven-hued sibling. This was supposed to be joyous news, but instead he was afraid that she would feel like he betrayed her. Sooner or later he would have to face her, but he had no idea what to tell her.

He still had no clue what he was going to do. If Naniko really did plan on joining another pack, would he follow after her? Would he remain here in Crimson Dreams? He couldn’t abandon Naniko and the pups; the chocolate hued male was determined not to follow in Serge’s footsteps. The decision should be simple, then, shouldn’t it? But the thought of leaving the side of his siblings and the children caused a sharp ache to stab at his heart. Part of him felt like it would be another act of betrayal. It felt easier to simply avoid thinking about it and discussing it, so he stayed away from the mansion for as long as he could.

The Marino chose to spend that day along the southern shores of the pack lands. He slowly made his way through the thicker forests of the southern lands, enjoying the more upbeat look the area held with the rare sunshine pouring over it. It helped lift up his somber mood a bit. As he worked his way through the dense foliage, he noticed a few large shapes through the trees. The closer he got, the more his interest grew, and he soon forgot all about his initial journey to the shores. He suddenly realized that the shapes ahead were human buildings, different in shape and structure from the manor to the north. Ehno came to a halt a couple of meters from the nearest building, golden eyes taking in the sight of the looming structure and the foliage that seemed to be trying to take it over.

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