it's only teenage wasteland
lawl alli, you are totally allowed to sleep, and that was not a delay at all XD; 420 words

Princess and Haven exchanged some muttered words that Ares didn't really pay attention to. All that he really cared about, the only response he really wished to see was that from the owner of the hand that had been on his arm. Haven protested against the accusation, of course, and Princess, poor thing, not knowing any better, took his side. Ignoring her attempted insult of "not understanding," he responded to her last comment with a finality of tone. "I care because you're my sister, and you need someone in this world to take care of you." A warning note in his voice, a less than subtle reminder of the mother that they had broken free of. The girls introduced themselves to each other, and it was very weird for a moment that these two important females in Ares' life wouldn't know each other, but no, it made sense.. Princess had only been a member of Crimson Dreams for such a short while.

Mati's words, while not entirely on his side, were definitely less than convinced. It invigorated Ares, made him more sure than ever that he hadn't been crazy, that this sort of thing wasn't as okay as Haven and Princess wanted it to be. He didn't know who Si was, but Mati's tone made it clear that it was a fifth wolf who apparently should care about this encounter as well. The brown girl glanced back up at Ares to give her final thoughts, and the gray boy shook his head, his amber gaze flitting between Mati and Haven as he spoke. "If he didn't.. if he wouldn't.. Then why did he ply her with alcohol? Why not just court her like a gentleman?" Ares half-snarled, none of his fury having subsided in the least. The alcohol really was the sticking point in this whole situation. It would have been Princess who earned her brother's chastisement and disappoint if there had been none involved. But he had found it in her room, and he had given it to her. What well-intentioned male would do that to a lady? And then there was proof of his evil plans, in what had occurred afterward! Even if Princess didn't understand it, she had been manipulated.

Glaring at Haven, and still stupidly stupidly thinking that Mati and the orange boy must just be friends, still idiotically not making the connection that they were brother and sister, he spoke once more, coldly. "How would you feel if I got a sister of yours drunk and slept with her?"

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