it's only teenage wasteland
500 words

Si was.. some past romantic interest then, or something, that's what it sounded like. But an old one, according to Haven, if he could be trusted. And... if he could be trusted, well, then, maybe he hadn't done such a terrible thing after all. If his description of the encounter with Princess was accurate, he might not really be that bad.. Of course, Ares still didn't approve, not in the least, but.. Well, the flowers did fit with an apology, and the orange male didn't seem to be.. blaming him or going offensive or anything, just defending himself, just challenging Ares' accusations. If that was really how it happened, maybe they could grudgingly have his tolerance, even if approval still wasn't coming. Maybe they could earn it, if Haven treated his sister right. An apology, flowers was a good start. He didn't regret punching him, because it still wasn't a very honorable thing to do, to sleep with someone who wasn't completely sober, but.. yeah.

His careful analysis of the situation, his slight mental redemption of Haven both tumbled out of importance with the last thing the other boy said. That was when the missing link fell into place, that was when he belatedly processed the comment Mati had said, to Princess, about her brother. Siblings. Obviously. What the hell. He still did not recall Haven being mentioned before, in their first encounter, but that had been a very busy time in his life and it really was a long time back. But he should have picked up on it. So dumb-founded that he could have actually made such a blunder, he numbly listened to the girls speaking, barely making eye contact with Mati as she left. "I didn't mean.." Ares said meekly to nobody, his golden orbs following her sad, defeated form's retreat.

Belatedly, he turned to Princess, exasperated, snapping out of it for a second to end his part in this and leave. He placed his hand on her arm, mimicking the action that had been done a few times already tonight. His voice was gentle. "Look.. I love you so much, and I know you don't think you need protection, but.. You make mistakes. I make mistakes." A glance at Haven. "Neither of us are perfectly right or perfectly wrong. I don't.. want anyone to mistreat you, okay? And I'm going to fight for that, for you, and you're just going to have to deal." A wry smile. "If.. if he wants to apologize, I'll let him.." As close as Ares was going to get right now to an apology of his own, for the earlier violence. "I've gotta go.." His eyes trailed once more where Mati had walked off. Should he follow her? Probably not.. she probably hated him! He would have to track her down later, have to apologize, if she'd even tolerate his presence. Ugh, how could he have messed up so badly? A curt wave, his hands shoved back into pockets, and he left.

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