a little bit nutty
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This is for the Monthly Task 2 of the Season Game: Let your character contribute to AniWayan tradition through collecting berries, nuts and various edible roots. Smile


Just a few days ago, Hemming had been wandering beneath a rather nice row of trees when all of a sudden he felt a knock on his head. Now, it wasn't Dagrun, because she had taken to inspecting the bushes for berries, and the gray male took a moment to realize what exactly had happened. Down at his feet, sitting rather innocently, was a nut of some sort. He had picked it up and inspected it closely. The wolf hadn't seen nuts before, really, and the first time he had ever eaten them was in the delicious nut bread that had been served at the Green Corn Ceremony. The wolf had been carrying the rather large (and guilty) nut around ever since it had bopped him on the head, tossing it as he walked, and today he had decided to go out and find some more.


He carried a metal basket as he walked, one that he had found in the Candy Shop with Ember and that had subsequently been extremely useful in transporting most anything. There were little holes in the basket, to keep the thing light, but they were small enough that nothing was falling through. Hemming wandered along the same strip of trees that had previously led to being bopped on the head and bent down occasionally to pick a nut off the ground. Sometimes he would find a nice big patch of them and he'd be crouching for minutes, plucking the nuts from the grass and placing them in his basket. Dagrun, like last time, bounced through the bushes, and the wolf made a plan to wander through there after he had found a good number of nuts.


Standing up and stretching his back after collecting the contents of a rather large patch of nuts, he looked in Dagrun's general direction. He was unable to see where exactly she was, since she was so small and camouflaged wonderfully in the brush, but he knew she was over there somewhere, cheeping a little tune from inside a bush full of berries. "Those look nice, Dag?" he called out, a grin pulling on his lips. Yes, he would most definitely have to have a look over there after he was done with the nuts.

Sie made this! ♥

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