heart to heart

heath fits here... xD

The male was in the stables, as he always seemed to be. The horses needed care, feeding, the stales cleaning and water hauled. Rain had not been plentiful, and the buckets needed to be scrubbed too. The morning had been filled with such tasks and Heath was ready to work with the horses instead of just around them. His own were in the pasture, as they spend their mornings. And today he had a specific training session that was his number one priority. Stark, the pale stallion, was to learn to follow his roan mare when ever they were riding. It was for Ruri. She would ride him, as he was less particular the Lumière, strong and Heath trusted him to carry such a precious cargo.

With the tools he would need the tawny hybrid walked out to the gate, pushed it open and walked into the fields. The herd that they kept were mainly unbroken, and yet they had no horse that Heath was not familiar with. He lived above them in the loft, and saw each daily. It was hard not to notice each personality with the day in day out working. The mare and stallion were never far from each other, and yet Heath had to travel along the fence to find them. Gold eyes spotted the merle mare, and gave a low long whistle in hopes of gathering her. She would only look at him, and then looked away. Following her gaze he found that he was not the only wolf in the pasture.

Heath frowned, another call asking for the roan to follow and then moved to the middle of the field. Walking calmly to the female that stood among the rest of the pack’s horses Heath called out to her. “You want to get trampled?” His question was sarcastic, and yet held a warning. Apples in hand he felt foolish to confront her with fruit as his only weapon, but the male would not take a trespasser or anyone taunting any of the horses. The mare that stood her ground against the unknown fey was not one to be messed with, and she best be careful.

by miyu!

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